April 19, 2024

Statement by the Representative of Cyprus to the 2nd Committee Ms. Salina Shambos on Environment and Sustainable Development and Iternmantional Economic Cooperation: Women in Development

Mr. Chairman,

Although my delegation has aligned itself with the statement of the Representative of Finland on behalf of the European Union, I would like to make a few remarks on subitem 99(c) concerning “Women in Development” since we consider it to be of particular importance. [Read more…]

Statement by the Representative of Cyprus to the 3rd Committee Mr. Demetris Hadjiargyrou on Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children

My delegation has aligned itself with the statement of the representative of Finland presented on behalf of the European Union. I will, therefore, limit my remarks to the situation of children in Cyprus and to the actions and policies of my government. [Read more…]

Statement by the Deputy Permanent Representative of Cyprus Mr. James Droushiotis at the Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly – Report of the International Court of Justice

Mr. President,

It is a particular honour and pleasure for the delegation of Cyprus to address the General Assembly on its consideration of the Report of the International Court of Justice. [Read more…]

Statement by the Representative of Cyprus to the 2nd Committee Mr. Agis Loizou on Environment and Sustainable Development

Thank you Mr. Chairman,

At the outset, please allow me to congratulate you and the members of the Bureau for your election. We are confident that under your wise guidance, our deliberations will come to a successful conclusion. [Read more…]

Statement by the Representative of Cyprus to the 3rd Committee Mr. Demetris Hadjiargyrou on Elimination of Racism and Racial Discrimination

My delegation has already aligned itself with the statement made by the delegation of Finland on behalf of the European Union on items 114 and 115. [Read more…]

Statement by the Representative of Cyprus Ambassador Constantine Moushoutas at the Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly – Report of the Security Council

Mr. President,

The Report of the Security Council, doc. A/54/2, summarizes its enormous workload carried out from 15 June 1998 to 15 June 1999. [Read more…]

Statement by the Representative of Cyprus to the 6th Committee Ambassador Andreas J. Jacovides – Agenda Item 158: Establishment of an International Criminal Court

Mr. Chairman,

Cyprus has been associated with the position of the European Union, expressed earlier this morning by the distinguished representative of Finland. Consequently, my statement will be confined to certain aspects of the topic which are of particular interest and importance to us and I shall be brief. [Read more…]

Statement by the Deputy Permanent Representative of Cyprus Mr. James Droushiotis to the 4th Committee on Peacekeeping Operations

Mr. Chairman,

At the outset I would like to express my deep appreciation to the Chairman of the Special Committee on Peace-Keeping Operations, Ambassador Ibrahim Gambari of Nigeria, and the other members of the Bureau, especially Ambassador Michel Duval of Canada (who chaired the open-ended working group) and to the Rapporteur of the Committee, Mr. Hossan Zaki of Egypt for his introduction of the Report of the Special Committee (A/54/87). [Read more…]

Statement by the Representative of Cyprus to the 3rd Committee Mr. Demetris Hadjiargyrou on Crime Prevention, Criminal Justice and Drug Control

My delegation has already aligned itself with the statement of the representative of Finland, delivered earlier in the debate, on behalf of the European Union. [Read more…]

Statement by the Representative of Cyprus to the 6th Committee Ambassador Andreas J. Jacovides – Agenda Item 154: United Nations Decade of International Law

Mr. Chairman,

In the first place, permit me to extend to you and your colleagues on the Bureau warmest congratulation on your well-deserved election and to express full confidence that, under your able leadership the work of our Committee at this year’s session will be conducted efficiently and fruitfully. [Read more…]