April 19, 2024

Statement by the Secretary General to the Foreign Media regarding Cyprus

Q: Will the UN play any future role?

SG: I think obviously we’re all very disappointed that the reunification efforts did not succeed. But I hope once they’ve had the chance to reflect, they will have to come to the conclusion that reunification is in the best interest of all Cyprus , and perhaps wish to pick-up the pieces and see where they go from there. I really would urge them to think it through. I know that we, at the UN, are not the only disappointed group. The EU and other states and Washington ? we’re all disappointed, and I think many people in the region because unification had lots to offer to all the Cypriots and the people of that region. And I hope, now that they have woken up to what has happened, they will reflect and take necessary steps to get back to the table.

Q: But the UN’s work is done for now?

SG: For now, we are done.