October 22, 2024

Statement by H.E, Ambassador Andreas Mavroyiannis to the 5th Committee of the 59th Session of the General Assembly, on Agenda Item 126: “Financing of UNFICYP”

Mr. Chairman,

My delegation aligns itself fully with the statement delivered earlier by Belgium on behalf of the European Union, and would like to make some additional remarks from a national perspective, specifically in relation to the United Nations peacekeeping operation in Cyprus and in particular the Report of the ACABQ that our Committee has in front of it (doc. No A/59/734 dated 10 March 2005) . [Read more…]

Statement by Mr Doros Theodorou, Minister of Justice and Public Order to the 49th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women”

Madame Chairperson
Distinguished Delegates,

It is a great honour and privilege to address the 49th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, dedicated to the appraisal and assessment of the progress achieved in the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly. [Read more…]

Statement by H.E. Ambassador Andreas D. Mavroyiannis to the Third Committee of the 59th Session of the General Assembly, on Agenda Item 105(B): “Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms”

Mr. Chairman,

Thank you Mr. Chairman,

As this is the first time, my delegation takes the floor, allow me to extend to you and to the members of the bureau our congratulations on your well-deserved election. [Read more…]

Statement by Ms. Elena Thoma Representative to the 6th Committee on Agenda item 139: “Responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts”

Mr. Chairman,

My delegation would like to express its appreciation to the International Law Commission for its impressive work on the major codification project regarding the draft articles on responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts. [Read more…]

Statement by H.E. Ambassador Andreas D. Mavroyiannis to the Fourth Committee of the 59th Session of the General Assembly, on Agenda Item 77: “Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects”

Mr. Chairman,

As this is the first time my delegation takes the floor, please allow me to congratulate you and the members of the bureau on your election for the important task of chairing this committee during this session. [Read more…]

Statement by Ms. Elena Thoma Representative to the 6th Committee on Agenda item 150: “International Convention against the Reproductive Cloning of Human Beings”

Mr. Chairman,

This being the first time I take the floor during this Session, allow me to extend to you and the other members of the Bureau the most sincere congratulations of my delegation on your well-deserved election to your respective offices. [Read more…]

Statement by H.E. Ambassador Andreas D. Mavroyiannis at the Debate in the First Committee on Confidence Building Measures

Mr. Chairman,

As this is the first time my delegation takes the floor, allow me to congratulate you on the able manner in which you have conducted the Chairmanship of the First Committee thus far and assure you of our full support and co-operation in steering the remainder of the work of this Committee. [Read more…]

Statement by H.E. Ambassador Andreas D. Mavroyiannis on the Report of the Security Council (11) and the Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters (53)

Mr. President,

 We have been dwelling upon the issue of UN reform for years and we have now reached a point where we have to contemplate the new face of the United Nations in the twenty first century. [Read more…]

Statement by H.E. Mr. Tassos Papadopoulos President of the Republic of Cyprus at the 59th Session of the UN General Assembly

Mr. President,

I wish to start by conveying to you my most sincere congratulations on your election as President of this session of the General Assembly and wish you every success in steering the work of this august body. [Read more…]

Statement by H.E. Mr. Tassos Papadopoulos President of the Republic of Cyprus at the World Leaders Meeting for the Fight Against Poverty and Hunger

Mr. Chairman,

I wish to first and foremost, congratulate you and the Presidents of France and Chile and the Prime Minister of Spain, and of course the Secretary-General of the UN on this initiative to confront poverty and hunger, the most elusive and recurrent plights of humanity today. [Read more…]