United Nations, 23 July 2021
Cyprus welcomes the statement just made by the President of the Security Council on Varosha.
We thank the Council for responding swiftly and robustly to the disconcerting [Read more…]
United Nations, 23 July 2021
Cyprus welcomes the statement just made by the President of the Security Council on Varosha.
We thank the Council for responding swiftly and robustly to the disconcerting [Read more…]
United Nations General Assembly, New York, 11 June 2021
Mr. President,
At the outset, I wish to thank the President of the Security Council for the month of June, Ambassador Jürgenson for presenting the Report of the Council, as well as its more timely submission that allows us to discuss it 2 months earlier than we did last year. We would like to see this trend continue so that our future discussion of this report can take place the soonest possible following the reporting period it covers. [Read more…]
Written statement submitted by Cyprus to the United Nations Security Council open debate on “Sexual Violence in Conflict” – New York, 14 April 2021
This statement complements that of the European Union and offers some concrete suggestions towards combating sexual violence in conflict.
The prohibition of rape and other forms of sexual violence by customary international law, in both international and non-international armed conflicts, as well as the wide recognition of such acts as war crimes since the first codification of the laws of war in early military manuals, and as crimes against humanity in current international legal practice, provides a strong [Read more…]
item 80 “Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its seventy-second session”, Sixth Committee
UN Headquarters, 5 November 2020
Mr. Chairman,
This year’s discussion is being conducted in the light of the postponement of the seventy-second session of the ILC to 2021 owing to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic conditions. While circumstances have made the completion of the work of the ILC, as well as the preparation of its Report impossible, we believe that it is [Read more…]
Item 74 “Report of the International Court of Justice”
United Nations, 3 November 2020
Mr. President,
At the outset, allow me to thank President Yusuf for his introduction of this year’s report of the International Court of Justice (A/75/4) and to welcome the intense level of the Court’s activity during the reporting period, including the handing down of three judgements and seven procedural orders, the [Read more…]
Item 75 “Report of the International Criminal Court”
United Nations, 2 November 2020
Mr. President,
My remarks today are complementary to the statement delivered by the European Union, as well as to the statement of the States Parties to the Rome Statute delivered by Germany. [Read more…]
Item 90 “Strengthening and promoting the international treaty framework”- Sixth Committee
United Nations, 19 October 2020
Mr. Chairman,
As this is the first time my delegation takes the floor in this session, allow me to congratulate you on your election as Chairman and wish you and the Bureau every success in steering our work. [Read more…]
United Nations, 6 October 2020
Madame Chairperson,
Let me start by congratulating you on your election and assure you of my delegation’s full support.
My delegation fully subscribes to the statement of the European Union and as such, my remarks are confined to specific national concerns regarding the violations of individual and collective human rights and fundamental freedoms of Cypriots that stem from the invasion and ongoing occupation of [Read more…]
Intervention by Dr. Costas Kadis, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment of Cyprus (Virtual)
United Nations Biodiversity Summit Plenary Segment
UN Headquarters, 30 September 2020
Your Excellences, distinguished delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is an honor for me today to share with all of you our views for this crucial issue, the life itself on the planet, the protection and halting of the loss of biodiversity. [Read more…]
At the outset, I would like to express our profound appreciation to the President of the seventy – fourth session of the General Assembly, Mr. Muhammad-Bande, for his outstanding leadership during these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic.
I would also like to congratulate the newly elected President of the General Assembly of the seventy-fifth session, Mr. Volkan Bozkir and wish every success in the exercise of his duties, in a fair and transparent manner.
[Read more…]