October 22, 2024

Message by Amb. Mavroyiannis, United Nations, June 26 2020

Ceremony for the 75th Anniversary from the signing  of the Charter of the United Nations, on 26 June 1945 in San Francisco

United Nations, New York, 26 June 2020

The United Nations emerged from the ashes of the war as the embodiment of “never again” and the catalyst for a new era in international relations, more humane, more democratic, more equal and fair,    [Read more…]

Statement by Ms. Polly Ioannou, Revitalization of the work of the GA

polly-revitalization-ga General Debate of the Ad-Hoc Working Group on Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly

United Nations Headquarters, 2 March 202

Thank you, co-Chairs, Mr. President of the General Assembly.

My statement complements that of the European Union. [Read more…]

Statement by Amb. Mavroyiannis on the Report of the SG on the work of the UN, 22 January 2020

mavroyiannis-gaReport of the Secretary General on the work of the Organization

United Nations General Assembly

Mr. President,

My statement complements that of the European Union.

At the outset, let me welcome the timing of this debate, which allows us more time to better prepare, and follows the main session of the Assembly, giving us the opportunity to dwell on our recent performance and learn from our experiences in order to better [Read more…]

Statement by Amb. Mavroyiannis at the Security Council Open Debate, 9 January 2020

 mavroyiannis-scSecurity Council Open Debate on the “Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Upholding the UN Charter”

New York, 9 January 2020

Mr. President,

I wish to thank you for organizing this extremely topical debate and wish Vietnam a successful tenure on the Council.

[Read more…]

Statement by Amb. Mavroyiannis at the plenary meeting of the GA on the Olympic Ideal

amb-olympicSport for development and peace: building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic Ideal

9 December 2019

Mr. President,

Fully subscribing to the statement of the European Union, I wish to make some additional remarks because of my country’s strong links with the Olympic Ideal, formed through Cyprus’ participation in the Olympic Games since their initiation in antiquity. [Read more…]

Statement by Ms. Polly Ioannou, UN SC – International Peace and Security, 19 November 2019

pioannou-iccOpen Debate on the role of reconciliation in maintaining international peace and security

Security Council, United Nations

Mr. President,

While peace agreements may treat the symptoms of conflicts, their cause cannot be fully addressed without the restoration – at the grassroots level – of the fractured relationship that starts or fuels the conflict cycle. As the human pillar of conflict resolution, complementing its political and justice [Read more…]

Statement by Ms. Polly Ioannou – Report of the ICC – 4 November 2019

Report of the International Criminal Court at the 74th Plenary Session of the United Nations General Assembly

 4 November 2019

Mr. President,

My remarks today are complementary to the statement delivered by the European Union. I wish to thank President Eboe-Osuji for his presentation of this year’s report and welcome the intense level of the Court’s activity during the reporting period, with 11 situations under investigation by the Prosecutor, 10 ongoing preliminary examinations and 3 trial proceedings. [Read more…]

Statement by Amb. Mavroyiannis, Report of the International Court of Justice, 30 October 2019

mavroyiannis-3rd-committee74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on the Report of the International Court of Justice

30 October 2019

Mr. President,

At the outset, allow me to thank President Yusuf for his introduction of this year’s report of the International Court of Justice. I also wish to thank former Registrar Philippe Couvreur for his dedicated service to the Court in his nearly 20 years as its Registrar. [Read more…]

Statement by Amb. Mavroyiannis, 3rd Committee, Protection and Promotion of Human Rights, 28 October 2019

5th-committeeMr. Chairman,

In addition to the statement of the European Union, my delegation would like to make some specific remarks on the violations of individual and collective human rights and fundamental freedoms of Cypriots that stem from the invasion and ongoing [Read more…]

Statement by Mr. Haris Chrysostomou, Sixth Committee, 15 October 2019

Item 75 – “Responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts”

Plenary Meeting of the Sixth Committee, 74th UN General Assembly, 15 Oct. 2019

Mr. Chairman,

As this is the first time my delegation takes the floor, allow me to congratulate you on your election and wish you and the Bureau every success in steering our work. [Read more…]