February 18, 2025

Twenty-fourth Meeting of States Parties to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea

Statement by Ms. Melivia Demetriou, Second Secretary

New York, 13 June, 2014

Thank you Mr. President

Allow me to also thank you for the way in which you have taken our discussions forward during this SPLOS – it has been a pleasure to serve on the bureau under your leadership.  [Read more…]

Security Council Open Debate on UN Peacekeeping Operations: New Trends

Intervention by Ambassador Nicholas Emiliou

New York, 11 June, 2014

Mr. President,

Cyprus aligns itself with the statement of the European Union.  [Read more…]

Seventh Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

New York, June 10 2014

Statement by Ms. Maria Ioannou

Department for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance

Thank you, Mr Chairman

I would first of all like to congratulate the members of the Committee elected today and wish them every success in their work.  [Read more…]

Twenty-fourth Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

New York, 9 June 2014

Statement by H.E. the Permanent Representative Amb. Nicholas Emiliou

Mr. President, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates

Cyprus aligns itself with the statement made by Greece on behalf of the European Union and its Member States.  [Read more…]

CYPRUS-Statement during the General Assembly’s debate under Item I23 entitled ‘Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters’

Delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative Mr. Menelaos Menelaou

8 May 2014

Mr. Chairman,

Let me begin by commending your stewardship of our deliberations, expressing our support to your effort and wishing you success as the process is entering into a critical phase. Cyprus welcomes today’s sixth session of the 10th round of intergovernmental negotiations under agenda item 123 on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of, the Security Council and related matters. [Read more…]

Right of Reply by Cyprus to Turkey during discussion on budget of UNFICYP at General Assembly

May 7, 2014

Statement delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative Mr. Menelaos Menelaou

Mr. Chariman,

Thank you for giving me the floor. I will speak on agenda item 151 namely the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP). [Read more…]

Statement by Deputy Permanent Representative Mr. Menelaos Menelaou at the 68th Session of the GA, March 27,2014

Preventing of armed conflict: Strengthening the role of mediation in the peaceful settlement of disputes, conflict prevention and resolution: draft resolution (A/68/L.39) [item 33(b)]

Mr. President,

Cyprus aligns itself with the statement of the European Union, as well as the European Council Conclusions. We will vote in favor of the draft resolution before us. Developments in Ukraine are a source of major concern.  [Read more…]

Promoting equality, including social equity, gender equality and women’s empowerment

Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals, 3-7 February


Mr Co-Chairs,

1                              I have the pleasure to deliver these remarks on behalf of Cyprus, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates.  [Read more…]

Troika Statement on Conflict prevention, post-conflict peacebuilding and the promotion of durable peace, rule of law and governance

February 5, 2014

Mr Co-Chairs, 

1                              I have the pleasure to deliver these remarks on behalf of Cyprus, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates.  We would like to thank the UN Technical Support Team (TST) for putting together comprehensive issues brief on conflict prevention, post-conflict peacebuilding and the promotion of durable peace, rule of law and governance.  [Read more…]

Oceans and the Seas, Forecast and Biodiversity, New York, February 4, 2014


Mr Co-Chairs,

1                              I have the pleasure to deliver these remarks on behalf of Cyprus, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates.  We would like to thank the UN Technical Support Team (TST) for putting together comprehensive issues briefs on oceans and the seas, forests and biodiversity with very useful and constructive suggestions for our deliberation. [Read more…]