February 18, 2025

Statement by the Representative of Cyprus Dr. Lazaros S. Savvides to the 23rd Special Session of the General Assembly – Women 2000: Gender Equality Development and Peace for the Twenty-First Century

My delegation has aligned itself with the statement of the European Union.

It is a great honour and privilege to address the Twenty-third Special Session of the General Assembly dedicated to the appraisal and assessment of the progress achieved in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. [Read more…]

Statement by the Representative of Cyprus Mr. Prodromos Vasileiou to the 20th Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names

1. Introduction:

1.1  The island of Cyprus was created many millions of years ago, in the depths of a great ocean, the remnants of which constitute the Mediterranean, the Caspian and the Black Sea. [Read more…]

Statement by the Representative of Cyprus Ambassador Constantine Moushoutas at the 54th Session of the General Assembly – Question of Equitable Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the Security Council

Mr. President,

Since the establishment of the Open-Ended Working Group on Security Council in 1993, its yearly reports, had for five consecutive years, been submitted, considered and adopted by the General Assembly. [Read more…]

Statement by the Representative of Cyprus Ambassador Constantine Moushoutas at the 54th Session of the General Assembly – Dialogue Among Civilizations

Mr. President,

Cyprus expressed deep appreciation and commends the Delegation of Iran for having inscribed the item Dialogue Among Civilizations. [Read more…]

Statement by the Permanent Representative of Cyprus Ambassador Sotos Zackheos to the 54th Session of the General Assembly on Cultural Heritage

Mr. President,

The issue of the return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin constitutes an area in which international relations are put to a test, a noble test to ensure that cooperation among state and non-state actors can effect change in the right direction in a wider area on which there is consensus on an international level, that of the absolute need to protect the cultural heritage of humanity. [Read more…]

Statement by the Permanent Representative of Cyprus Ambassador Sotos Zackheos to the 54th Session of the General Assembly on the Olympic Ideal

Mr. Chairman,

I would like, at the outset, to express my pleasure for the great number of countries that co-sponsored the present resolution, which shows the importance that the international community places on the Olympic ideal. [Read more…]

Statement by the Representative of Cyprus Ambassador Constantine Moushoutas at the Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly – Bethlehem 2000

Mr. President,

The item Bethlehem 2000 was, according to resolution A/53/L.27, inscribed on the Agenda of the 54th Session so that we may be given the opportunity to reaffirm our support for the historic commemoration, immediately prior to the occasion. [Read more…]

Statement by the Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the 3rd Committee Ambassador Sotos Zackheos on Human Rights Questions

Mr. Chairman,

My delegation has aligned itself with the statement delivered earlier in the debate on item 116 by the Representative of Finland on behalf of the European Union. [Read more…]

Statement by the Representative of Cyprus to the 6th Committee Ambassador Andreas J. Jacovides on the Report of the International Law Commission

Mr. Chairman,

The consideration of the International Law Commission’s Report has traditionally been the highlight of the Sixth Committee’s agenda and I feel privileged to have this opportunity of again participating in this debate after an interval of a few years. [Read more…]

Statement by the Deputy Permanent Representative of Cyprus Mr. James Droushiotis to the 4th Committee – United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees

Mr. Chairman,

At the outset I would like to express my deep appreciation to the Commissioner General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Mr. Peter Hansen for his comprehensive Report on the Agency’s activities during the past year and for his excellent introductory statement. [Read more…]